Thursday, June 22, 2006
Welcome Fellow Closers
Thanking for visiting my blog. It is my sincere hope that the site can be an asset to all who visit it. It is often said that the best way to learn something is to teach it. I have been selling for a little over three years now and I am addicted to it. For the first portion of my working life I sought stability and a guaranteed paycheck. One day, having been out of a job for quite some time, I ended up at an interview to sell vacuum cleaners. I had no desire to take the position. In my opinion, sales people ranked just below pond scum. Salespeople were shifty, crooked people that couldn't get a real job. Nevertheless, I needed the job because I needed the money. I hit the streets and started selling. I found out by just doing what I was told, and not trying to re-invent the wheel, I could sell. Not only could I sell, but I could make money doing it. After about two months of that, I was offered a comfortable, hourly paid j.o.b.(just over broke). I took it and took it quickly. The last thing my sales manager said to me was "You'll regret this. It may not be tomorrow, and I don't know where you'll be, but you'll regret this." He was halfway right.It took about two years for me to go crazy in the world of steady paychecks, I had to get back into selling, but this time not in vacuum cleaners. That's how my addiction started. |