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Todd is a manager in the technology field with qualifications in data networking, voice over IP telephony, technical sales, blogging, and marketing, both print and electronic.

Staying Ahead in the Sales Game

Never Taking No for an Answer


Learn to Love Objections

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Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Staying Ahead in the Sales Game
Selling is one of the most competitive fields in business today. It is one of the few careers where a person is able to determine what their income will be on a daily basis. So what can you do to separate yourself from the pack?

First and foremost, to stay ahead in the sales game, you must outwork everyone. Coming in early and staying late always helps; but if you have family, that may not be where you want to focus your efforts.

Most people can't stay out of the "office gossip". A large number of sales people spend a good portion of their day talking about sports, family, or just general gossip with their co-workers. If you stay above the fray, put your head down and work when you are at work, you will get a leg up right away.

Make it a priority to out learn everyone. There are really two parts to this. Those two parts are sales knowledge and product knowledge. Most sales people will tell you the only way to learn is to slog it out every day. If you are taking the time to read this, chances are you are not one of those people.

While it is true the only way to learn how to sell is to sell, studying up always helps. Here is what I mean by that. Most actions by your customer should have a conditioned reaction. If your customer says X, you say Y. And it happens every time. It takes years to develop the right

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Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Never Taking No for an Answer
A good salesmen never stops at the first "no". Or the second, or the third. People, in general, are conditioned to say no to almost every buying experience. Unless you grew up in a household with a salesperson, you have probably heard at least a few stories about the slick looking, fast talking, back slapping salesman that ripped your parents off. The advice they gave you to avoid the same situation they ran into is to just say no to every sales person that approaches you for the rest of your life. Over time it becomes almost a Pavlov's dog type reaction. See as salesman, say no.

The sales person who stops there stays broke and doesn't usually stay in sales that long. They key is to begin asking questions to find out why your customer said no. The first "no" is very rarely ever the real reason they are saying no. It's the blow off no. It's the programed "no" they are supposed to toss out there.

I often hear this part of the selling process referred to as "peeling the onion". The process involves finding out why the customer says no every time he or she says no. Eventually you end up at the heart of the onion, or the real reason he or she is saying no. Only after you have worked your way past all the no's can you start to close.

There is one important note I would like to close with. The 80/20 rule should be in effect at all times. Eighty percent of your time should be spent with the twenty percent of the customers who make you money. Don't spend all day trying to close that one guy who says no every time. There are plenty more people out there who need your product or service.